One time, Anna defeated the demon king. Then corporations shined since they never had their resources threatened. Then L.A. Chat sealed a strange crystal inside their base. Then crystals went brrrrr. Then L.A. Chat's tech went under crystals' control. Then someone forgot to feed puppies!!! :((((((

I, Skalt711, started the game and handled code and most graphics. Scowsh made the manu loop  and stage tracks, and some sfx. PKToasty made boss track. Wazy handled powerup item graphics. kollumos provided the rest of sfx from their stock. Lise provided Anna's art. Normal explosion by Anêmonônima taken from Large explosion by JROB774 taken from ToshibaSat 8x8 font taken from

HTML5 export has background bug, weird sound stop and strange sound bass effect, consider using the Windows version for less bugs and using RTSS to use B option for increased FPS to cap to 60 with RTSS for smoother framerate and slightly lower input lag. Please manually increase the page size for HTML5 version since the game runs at 320x240 and I don't know how to fix it.

I really really rushed the gamejam version. I don't know if it was a good idea to overscope.

Press X to use weak shot.

Press C to use strong shot.

Use both shots to activate focused movement.

Due to GMS2 quirk, the game has an extra frame of input lag. I think ir requres changing another engine altogether since the engine seems to buffet object data needed to show graphically.

Published 4 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Made withGameMaker


Fairystep 22 MB

Development log


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not the puppies!

Ngl I still have no idea of what Fairystep's should be, like, I have rough ideas around, but I'm bad at planning


god Im terrible at shmups! was fun I wasnt able to kill first boss XD thx for uploading! -Doct

I probably should've resorted to the weight system of determining artificial slowdown, so that it would be possible to contribute to it from entities themselves, not from the controller 'cause uh, I wrote down 2 or 3 individual combos, which is already a pain to work with lol

Oh hey, Raymond finally made a new video about Project Feline